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Review of On-farm dinners another way to showcase produce

Review of On-farm dinners another way to showcase produce In the article “ On-farm dinners another way to showcase produce ” which appeared in Vegetable Growers News (Vol 51, Issue 6, June 2017), Ana Olivera explains a new way to sell vegetables to consumers by organizing on-farm dinners and she cited the example of Gritt's farm located in The Buffalo, West Virginia.             Ana mentioned the coordinated work of Brad Gritt, General manager of Gritt’s Farm, Lindsey Good, event coordinator and Stephen Owens, Gritt’s farm chef. They started last year holding three dinners, one per month in June, July, and August. The idea born after the farm had bought an outdoor pavilion and a concession trailer for fall activities. The dinner which cost $60 includes four meals made with vegetables and fruits of the farm as well as a bag to pick your own peaches. The focus of these dinners is to bring quality to the customers. They will e...
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Sistemas de biofiltración bio-canales y jardines de lluvia en High Point, Seattle.

Canales de biofiltración y jardines de lluvia, el caso del sistema de drenaje natural de High Point, Seattle. Por:  Fiorella Eduardo-Palomino Seattle es una de las ciudades de Estados Unidos más amigables con el medio ambiente, hace poco Amazon abrió su primera oficina verde, un domo ecológico, en esta ciudad llamando la atención del mundo entero. Lo que pocos saben es que Seattle tiene uno de los sistemas de drenaje natural más grandes y funcionales en todo el mundo. Seattle es la ciudad más grande del estado de Washington y es conocida por sus continuas lluvias, con 970 mm de precipitación anual, lo que ha llevado a las autoridades del lugar a construir este sistema de drenaje natural que se completó en otoño de 2005 y cubre 34 cuadras del barrio o lugar denominado High Point, desde la avenida 35 (35 th Ave SW) hasta High Point Drive SW abarcando también la calle SW Juneau (SW Juneau St.) hasta la calle Myrtle (Myrtle St.). Estos sistemas de biofiltración, bio-can...

Bioswales in High Point Public Natural Drainage Systems

Bioswales in High Point Public Natural Drainage Systems By: Fiorella Eduardo-Palomino Credits: Designed in partnership between the Seattle Public Utilities and Seattle Housing Authority with the participation of MITHUN Architects, Designers and Planners as well as SvR Design Company Location: High Point, Seattle, Washington. The High point community is located within a sub-basin of the Longfellow Creek Watershed. Why did you select this design? I select this one because I was looking for a large design that fits a large area, for example, a street. The photo (Figure 2) where I first saw this place catch my attention because this bioswale looked large and was located in a public area. After search the origin it was part of a big drainage system project, so I decided to research about it. Brief description : The High Point Public Natural Drainage Systems (NDS) is part of a large-scale natural drainage system in an urban area environment with a high-de...

Cambio climático y pastizales con mecanismo fotosintético C4

Cambio Climático y Pastizales con mecanismo fotosintético C 4 Por: Fiorella Eduardo-Palomino Luego de pasar los últimos 5 años aprendiendo y trabajando con pastizales altoandinos del Perú que están formados principalmente por pastos C 3 como las Festucas (ex: Festuca dolichophylla - chilligua) o Calamagrostis (algunos que ya son del género Deyeuxia ) , fue para mí una agradable sorpresa aprender en el curso de Ecología de pastizales del semestre pasado que los pastizales en Estados Unidos están principalmente formados por pastos con el mecanismo fotosintético C 4 como los andropogon ( Andropogon gerardii -Big blue stem) lo cual tiene mucho sentido porque son pastizales que deben ser muy eficientes con el uso del agua. Al revisar la lista de plantas del estrato herbáceo del bosque estacionalmente seco con el cual estaba trabajando en ese momento también me di cuenta de que la mayoría de las Poaceae son C 4 . Pastizales que tienen gramíneas dominantes con un mecanismo fo...

Climate Change and Grasses with C4 photosynthetic pathway

Climate Change and Grasses with C 4 photosynthetic pathway By: FiorellaEduardo-Palomino After expending the last 5-years learning and working with high Andean grasslands of Perú, that are mainly composed by grasses with the C 3 photosynthetic pathway such as Festucas (ex: Festuca dolichophylla – “chilligua”) or Calamagrostis (that some are now Deyeuxia), was for me a nice surprise learned in my class of Grassland Ecology at SIUC, that grasslands of the Great Plains in the United States are mainly formed by grasses with the C 4 photosynthetic pathway such as Andropogon gerardii (Big bluestem). This fact had sense because grasses in those areas should be very water efficient. I was working at that time with data of seasonally dry forests in Perú and I found that grasses in the herbaceous strata of those forests also have mainly the C 4 photosynthetic pathway. Grasses with C 3 photosynthetic pathway show an ecological advantage in response to climate change because the...